About Us
“I was on the beach with my friend who was killed. I had to identify her at the mortuary that day. As I wasn’t physically hurt, I felt as though I didn’t matter. It took nearly a year before I got any help for PTSD”
(Tunisia attack survivor)
Our story

Survivors Against Terror was launched in 2018 and is a network of survivors of terror attacks in Britain and of British people who have been affected overseas.
The network includes over three hundred survivors from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, those who were bereaved and those injured or maimed, people affected by very recent terror attacks and by incidents stretching back to the 1970’s.
Our work is led by survivors, they are at the heart of everything we do. We create a space for them to feel supported and heard. We walk alongside them if they want to see change, if they want to campaign to raise awareness or if they simply want to tell their story and play their part in making sure what happened to them or their loved one does not happen to others.
Our funding comes from donations by the public as well as from trusts and foundations. We are a charity registered in England and Wales.
Our 2018 launch video.